Monday, January 23, 2017

Here's How To Treat Your Wrinkles, Warts and Psoriasis Naturally.

Bananas have many benefits, but many people are unaware that their skins possess as much or even more. We present in today's article the various uses of banana skin.
-  Remove warts:  Put a banana peel on the wart, secure it with a bandage etlaissez act overnight. Repeat this procedure until the wart completely disappears.
Get rid of wrinkles and acne:  Just rub a banana peel against your skin, especially on the affected or problem areas. Leave on for 30 minutes then wash the area with lukewarm water.
Treat psoriasis:  Unfortunately, this skin disease can not be cured complete with a banana skin, but it can effectively relieve symptoms of this condition.
Whiten teeth:  Rub your teeth against the inside of a banana skin daily for two weeks. (Consider taking your dentist's advice before using this method)
Analgesic:  Rub the painful areas of your body with a banana skin

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